Just wanted to give you a quick heads up that we are going to begin a Mini-Blog Series this Monday (12/11). We will be covering about Container networking, and nothing but Container networking. While there are some differences between Container networking and other technologies that use WNV, like Hyper-V and LBFO (NIC teaming), the underlying method employed to move network data inside of Windows is the same. This led to an idea; make this a multipurpose series of documentation.
We’ve finalized the blogs, check the list as of this post. I know you will enjoy reading:
- WNV Deep Dive Part 1 – Introduction to Containers and Windows Network Virtualization
- WNV Deep Dive Part 2 – How WNV works
- WNV Deep Dive Part 3 – Capturing and Reading Virtualized Network Traffic
- WNV Deep Dive Part 4 – Looking at LBFO and Hyper-V traffic
- WNV Deep Dive Part 5 – Container Networking: The default NAT network
- WNV Deep Dive Part 6 – Container Networking: Transparent and L2bridge Networks